Friday, March 27, 2020


Punta del Diablo, a small seaside town in Uruguay.
 The truck came round to collect every day.

Uruguayan version of a Nor'easter AND a face mask.

Montevideo street market : colour coded for recycling.

Photos and captions from Bill.


Buenos Aires street bin. The little stickers are ads for personal services of a dubious nature. Part of the beat cops' duties is to pull them off.

"Auxiliary" garbage men. These guys eke out a living in Buenos Aires culling the recyclables from the bins and presumably selling them somewhere. They brave the fierce traffic with their homemade carts, then use them as beds in doorways at night.

Happy street cleaners in Cordoba. Keeping the streets clean is a big deal, with garbage pick up every day, and there are always plenty of cleaners working, perhaps because of the heat.

Photos and captions from Bill.

Forest Walk Bin

Northumberland County Forest. Photo from Sue.


Positivity boosting at its finest! (Berwick, Nova Scotia)